Professional Aerial Photography by Keith Pickersgill
Cape Town, South Africa

Email: or Mobile 082 414-8448

Looking for affordable aerial photography? Helicopters and conventional aircraft are expensive to operate, therefore conventional aerial photography from such aircraft is by its very nature rather expensive. Furthermore, such aircraft may often not fly low enough for the shot you may want, or the noise factor may prohibit low flying near people, livestock, wildlife or property.

I offer a lower cost alternative, flying a motorised paraglider. Using this aerial vehicle makes an ideal aerial photographic platform. It can fly low (or high), and can fly as slow as 22 km/h if required or as fast as 50km/h. A motorised paraglider can often fly and maneuver safely below tree-top height and has a surprisingly low noise-signature, hence less likely to bother people, livestock or wildlife.

Such a motorised paraglider can be launched from a relatively small space such as a nearby sports field (or stadium), an empty car-park, a beach, or from most open fields. It can land safely in even smaller spaces. The motorised paraglider can be flown in winds ranging from dead calm, to around 35km/h. Once airborne, it can be flown with the left hand only, leaving the right hand free for photography.

Having no cockpit nor canopy, sitting out in the open, a wide range of angles can be easily covered without interference.

I use a special digital camera (Olympus C2100 UZ) with an effective optical image stabiliser which absorbs engine vibration and the general movement associated with flying. The results are usually most satisfying.

    Types of aerial photography covered:
  • Landscapes, wildlife and vistas for Calendars, posters, screensavers, etc
  • Civil Engineering planning, construction, inspection and overview
  • Architectural, town planning and layout
  • Real Estate for marketing or land usage evaluation
  • Events, festivals and outdoor projects
  • Homesteads and farms; aerial perspectives make great framed pictures
  • Newsworthy events recorded from the air

  • I also do terrestrial-based (non-aerial) photography

  • Using special equipment, techniques and software, extra wide viewing angles can be captured, from super-wide panoramic views to full 360-degree wraparound views. I believe I am the first in the world to acheive this with aerial photography.

    • Wide library of images on file for sale
    • Purchase images outright (exclusive usage) or pay for only for usage
    • Special commissions undertaken
    • Lets discuss your special requirements and projects

        Images supplied either as:
      • Photographic Prints (various sizes to suit you), or
      • Digital format (email, CD, DVD or whatever format you prefer)

View my 360º Panoramic Scenes

Email: or Call: 082 414-8448

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